Case studies

These are case studies of some of the 300+ websites I have played a part in creating since 1996.

Click on any site image for more info about my work. They are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top.

There are over 230 websites listed on this page. If you prefer text to graphics, check out the case studies list - text version instead.

You can also choose a category in the dropdown filter (below) - the page will refresh to show the case studies that fit into that category.


I worked on some of these sites as an employee of Shift, Base Two or Origin Design.

Others were created while working as a contractor with Acumen Republic, Badger Communications, Base Two, Chrometoaster, Codec/SYL, Communication Arts, Cue Design, CWA New Media, Datacraft, Designworks, DNA, Fairfax Digital, Fronde, Heyday, inov8, Insight Consultants, Learning Media, Mission Hall, Optimation, Origin Design, Oryx Technologies, Pikselin, Plan A, Proximity, Shift, The Hive Creative, Topaz Solutions, Touchcast, and Vertigo Design.

I have also done contract work for a companies and organisations with their own in-house web teams, including Bank of New Zealand, Co-operative Bank, Department of Corrections, Department of Internal Affairs, Fairfax Digital, Grosvenor Investment Management, Inland Revenue Department, Land Information New Zealand, Ministry for Primary Industries, Office of Film & Literature Classification, Radio New Zealand, TradeMe, Transpower, and Victoria University.

There are also many websites I worked on as an independent website designer and developer, as WebWeaver Productions. Full details can be found within each case study.

I have played a number of roles within the teams that produced these websites, including scoping, pitching and quoting, client liaison, project manager, information architect, designer, front-end developer and JavaScript library coder (mainly jQuery), responsive designer and developer, Govt web standards tester, editor, writer, proof-reader, content-loader and webmaster.