Web editing

Department of Corrections website - content audit and migration process recording, web editing, content formatting, proof-reading (Squiz Matrix CMS)
From time to time I take on web editing work. This can include some or all of the following:
- Managing the content-writing process
- Writing content
- Advising clients and editing copy
- Proof-reading
- Websites with bilingual or multilingual content
I enjoy writing and editing, and my extensive experience designing and building websites over a long period of time means I've been exposed to a whole lot of good (and bad) content over the years. I'm a natural proof-reader - incorrectly-spelt words jump out me from the page without my even having to look for them - and because I'm a perfectionist at heart, I actually really enjoy the QA i-dotting and t-crossing part of the process that needs to happen before launch.
I always recommend that clients review, update and/or re-write their content when they get a new website, and I encourage them to set aside at least two months to complete this part of the process. I've seen too many websites over the years where the content is shoved in at the end almost as an afterthought, which is entirely the wrong way round! Your content should be the most important element of your website, and you must ensure that you create quality content to populate your site - and give yourself sufficient time to do this.
Ali - just wanted to say thanks heaps and heaps for your work and your guidance on the project. Thank you for your massive contribution turning this project into a success for Learning Media and the Ministry of Health.
Anita Jones, Digital Project Manager/Advisor, Learning Media (HealthEd project, 2011)
DIA Marketplace
I am an approved supplier for DIA Marketplace in the Consultancy and Professional Services (Digital Experience Professional Services channel) - under the following categories:
- Information Architecture
- User Insight
- Visual Design
- Front-End Development
- Content Design.