I used to be a teacher which makes it easy for me to teach web stuff - and I really love being a web designer, which means I can easily communicate my enthusiasm to my students.
These are the web training courses and seminars I've developed and taught. Click on a link or image to find out more:
Open Polytechnic technical editor
Roles: Technical editor, course writer, education consultant

The course was aimed primarily at e-government website developers, and students would be expected to understand and be able to code HTML prior to beginning the course. It focused on the use of XHTML (developing this from an HTML starting-point) and CSS, and strongly encouraged students to code in XHTML or HTML 4.01 Strict. Find out more about Open Polytechnic technical editor
HTML with Dreamweaver
Roles: Training course developer, tutor

I subsequently used this same course to teach HTML with Dreamweaver to a number of other clients including staff from Shift, Charlotte Hurd Designs, Origin Design, Mission Hall and Minaaka. Find out more about HTML with Dreamweaver
Web Design Management seminar
Roles: Training seminar developer, lecturer

I was then contracted to teach an ongoing series of these seminars bi-monthly in Wellington, Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne. Find out more about Web Design Management seminar
Case Studies workshop
Roles: Training seminar developer, lecturer

I was then contracted to teach an ongoing series of these seminars bi-monthly in Wellington, Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne. Find out more about Case Studies workshop
HTML with PageMill
Roles: Training course developer, tutor

Roles: Workshop organiser, workshop developer, website designer, teacher

The project was initiated by Actrix Networks and Infotech Weekly as part of Infotech Weekly Schools Week 1996. Find out more about EdPatch