Old-school table layout
These sites are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
Case studies in this category

Website: linz.govt.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Land Information New Zealand
Dates: November 2005 - March 2006, May 2006, June 2007
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
LINZ wanted to redevelop and add new content to the Mariner's section of the LINZ website, which was housed outside the main site, and was not part of the CMS.
After I completed this project, I was retained as an e-government expert to advise on the most effective way of converting PDFs to web pages - and how to create Word documents in the future which could more easily be converted to accessible web pages. I subsequently designed and developed 11 subsites which housed LINZ's most-requested key documents - including the LINZ Statement of Intent and the Annual Report.
Find out more about the LINZ project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Govt web standards tester, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, Other CMS, Government websites, Medium sites
Biotech launch

Website: not online
Client: CWA New Media
Dates: March 2005
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
CWA's director needed an interactive animation to be used during the launch ceremony for the CWA Biotech Learning Hub. I designed and built the interactive in Flash. I also updated the CWA Learning Landscape websites (online and offline versions) and incorporated links to the Flash animation, and linked the animation from an updated Flash version of the Learning Landscape website. Find out more about the Biotech launch project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, Flash, Small sites
Vegfed Approved Supplier

Website: newzealandgap.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Vegfed
Dates: August - September 2004
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
The Approved Supplier subsite needed a redesign so that it could stand alone from the rest of the Vegfed site while still being a part of it. I built the templates in HTML. Find out more about the Vegfed Approved Supplier project
Categories: Front-end developer, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Small sites
TOPAZ Solutions

Website: topazsolutions.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: TOPAZ
Dates: August 2004
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
The new Topaz website was designed by Origin, and Topaz wanted a set of HTML templates which they could use as the basis for building the site. I built the templates. Find out more about the TOPAZ Solutions project
Categories: Front-end developer, Old-school table layout, Small sites

Website: no longer online
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: June 2004
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
The Homegrown website was a subsite of the main Meadow Fresh site. I built a set of templates to be converted to a database-driven PHP website. Find out more about the Homegrown project
Categories: Project manager, Front-end developer, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Small sites
Scots College Virtual Tour

Website: no longer online
Client: Scots College
Dates: May - June 2004
My professional status: contractor at Oryx Technologies
Scots College wanted a set of Virtual Tours to show to prospective pupils and parents. This would be part of the existing website and follow the established look and feel of the site. I designed and built three Virtual Tours and the section homepage. Find out more about the Scots College Virtual Tour project
Categories: IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Old-school table layout, Small sites
Scots College Image Gallery

Website: no longer online
Client: Scots College
Dates: April - May 2004
My professional status: contractor at Oryx Technologies
Scots College needed a number of Image Galleries which would showcase the school and be appreciated by the pupils featured. This would be part of the existing website and follow the established look and feel of the site. I designed and built four Image Galleries and the section homepage. Find out more about the Scots College Image Gallery project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Small sites

Website: arnica.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Simillimum Homeopathic Pharmacy
Dates: February - September 2004
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
Originally designed as an online brochure, Simillimum needed a revamp - into a useful, interactive site generating additional income. I tidied up the existing website and professionalised the look. Find out more about the Simillimum project
Categories: Scoping/pitching/quoting, Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, E-commerce, Small sites
Kākāpō Recovery

Website: kakaporecovery.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Department of Conservation
Dates: December 2003 - March 2005
Government status: Government Department
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
This website needed regular updating over a number of years. I added new images and sections and made text changes as requested by the Department of Conservation. I also proof--read the site, made corrections to the text and improved the design. The site was later translated into Japanese, and I worked with the translator to get this online and linked to the English version of the site. Find out more about the Kākāpō Recovery project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Small sites

Website: chranz.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Centre for Housing Research
Dates: November 2003
Government status: part of Housing New Zealand Corporation (a Government Agency)
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The CHR website reflects the new branding and printwork designed by Origin, and presents information-rich pages in a straightforward and logical manner. I advised the designer on web design strategies and built the site. Find out more about the CHR project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Small sites
Chef Search

Website: no longer online
Client: Ninox Films
Dates: October 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The recipient of the prestigious Gordon Ramsay Scholarship was chosen by means of a culinary competition. This website was designed both as a means of publicising the scholarship itself, and also as a place where contestants could enter the competition. I advised the designer on web design strategies and built and content-loaded the website. Find out more about the Chef Search project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Nature's Energy

Website: no longer online
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: August 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The "Nature's Energy - It's Totally Cool" summer promotion included a website integral to the campaign. The site provided key information about how to enter the promotion, and allowed kids to win spot prizes by playing the interactive Flash game which was the main focus of the site. I built a series of templates for the website, into which the Flash game was integrated. Find out more about the Nature's Energy project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Small sites

Website: transpower.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Transpower
Dates: March - August 2003
Government status: State-Owned Enterprise
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Transpower wanted a complete redesign of their existing site, which communicated a high level of technically complex and specialist information. I built a series of HTML templates for the new database-driven site, and created a Flash animation for the homepage. Find out more about the Transpower project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS)

Website: thonet.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Thonet
Dates: March - May 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
This redesign of an existing site required a logical, straightforward way to arrange a large number of catalogue-type gallery pages. The site detailed many different items of furniture, and was managed via Origin's Grand Central CMS. I developed and built the homepage Flash animation and the HTML templates. Find out more about the Thonet project
Categories: Front-end developer, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, Grand Central, Medium sites
Seedling Swap

Website: no longer online
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: March - April 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
This website promoted the annual Meadow Fresh Seedling Swap, when thousands of Kiwi kids swapped empty milk cartons for native tree seedlings. The website motivated kids to take part, and guided them to their nearest Seedling Swap location on the big day. I built and developed/maintained the website and the homepage Flash animations. Find out more about the Seedling Swap project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, Flash, No CMS, Small sites
Breakfast with the Stars

Website: no longer online
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: February - April 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
This was a sub-site of the main Meadow Fresh website and promoted the annual schools' Breakfast with the Stars competition sponsored by Meadow Fresh. I built and developed/maintained the original website, including a Flash animation on the homepage. Find out more about the Breakfast with the Stars project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Medium sites
The Carpenter Project

Website: no longer online
Client: The Carpenter Project
Dates: February - March 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The Carpenter Project was raising funds to build the new church of St Josephs in Mt Victoria, Wellington. An integral part was the use of the website as a fundraising tool. The design of the site reflected the elegance, beauty and simplicity of the design for the church itself. I advised the designer on the best way to approach the design and then built the website. Find out more about the The Carpenter Project project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Meadow Fresh

Website: meadowfresh.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: January - November 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The Meadow Fresh website included a database-driven PHP products section and an interchangeable set of Flash animations. It featured animated characters and was aimed at families and kids. The homepage was also used to promote sub-sites such as Rainy Day. I built, developed and maintained the website and Flash elements. Find out more about the Meadow Fresh project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Medium sites

Website: mta.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Motor Trade Association
Dates: September - November 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The Motor Trade Association needed a large database-driven website, divided into two parts - public and membership-only. It featured a cartoon character, Bob, who added a human element to the site. I built the templates and created a Flash animation for the homepage, as well as designing many of the pages myself, following the designer's look and feel. Find out more about the MTA project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Large sites
Fonterra Annual Report

Website: no longer online
Client: Fonterra
Dates: July 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The 2001-2002 Annual Report website had to be built within an extremely tight deadline as a sub-site of Fonterra's main site. I managed the project and built the site in under a week. Find out more about the Fonterra Annual Report project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Stars of Rugby

Website: no longer online
Client: Mainland Milk
Dates: June - August 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
This pair of sites was built for two brands - Tararua and Meadow Fresh - and promoted a schools milk cap-collecting competition. Schools could log in and record their latest cap totals, and compare their progress. I built and maintained both sites, whose architecture and functionality was exactly the same, but which had completely different URLs, graphics and colours.
I also built a large Flash animation for each homepage that explained what the competition was about, and how schools could enter.
Find out more about the Stars of Rugby project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Small sites
Ao Kawe Kupu

Website: no longer online
Client: New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Dates: May - August 2002
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Communication Arts
Following the online success of QA News, the client decided to put this bi-monthly printed newsletter onto the NZQA website. The newsletter was partly in English, partly in te reo. I developed the newsletter into a new website format, which I designed to complement the QA News design. Find out more about the Ao Kawe Kupu project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Govt web standards tester, Writing for the web, Content-loader, e-govt/WCAG compliance, Old-school table layout, Government websites, Small sites
Eichardt's Private Hotel

Website: eichardts.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Eichardt's
Dates: March - May 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Eichardt's is an exclusive private hotel, which uses its website to reach its international market - including enabling visitors to book online. I built the website following a design from Origin. We took our time with this site, as we wanted to create something as beautiful and elegant as Eichardt's itself, which would showcase the hotel as one of the best in New Zealand. Find out more about the Eichardt's Private Hotel project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Changing Spaces & OriginArt

Website: no longer online
Client: Origin Design (for Wellington International Festival of the Arts 2002)
Dates: January - March 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Origin Design sponsored the 2002 New Zealand International Festival of the Arts Sculpture Walk. This included an interactive website, based around a Flash animation that showed the development of the sculptures. I built the website which reflected the design of Origin's Changing Spaces booklet, and which became part of OriginArt. Find out more about the Changing Spaces & OriginArt project
Categories: Client liaison, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
M-co Design Standards

Website: intranet
Client: M-co
Dates: December 2001 - February 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The M-co family of websites includes a number of very different-looking sites, all based on the same structural template. I built this site, which was intended for intranet use, allowing M-co to keep track of all their design standards. It covered the look & feel of every M-co site and enabled webmasters to update any M-co site whilst maintaining design and brand consistency. Find out more about the M-co Design Standards project
Categories: IA & UX, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
M-co Business Service

Website: no longer online
Client: M-co
Dates: September 2001
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
As part of their large database-driven website, M-co required an animation that showed their Business Service Diagram in a clear and interesting way. I developed and built the animation. Find out more about the M-co Business Service project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites

Website: no longer online
Client: Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
Dates: August - September 2001. Redesign March 2002
Government status: Government Ministry
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
ProtectNZ wished to provide online Biosecurity information specifically targeted to different user groups. I built a series of templates for the new Biosecurity website, following a design by Origin. The templates were then used to create a fully dynamic website which could easily be updated by the Biosecurity team. Find out more about the ProtectNZ project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Govt web standards tester, e-govt/WCAG compliance, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Medium sites

Website: m-co.com (site has since been redesigned)
Client: M-co
Dates: July 2001 - November 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
M-co had a network of international websites managed by a central CMS. This large database-driven network was redesigned in 2003 and I carried out a range of projects including Flash, page building, design development and Photoshop work. Find out more about the M-co project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Old-school table layout, Flash, Database-driven (pre-CMS)

Website: icebreaker.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Icebreaker
Dates: July 2001 - October 2003
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The Icebreaker website reflected Origin's ground-breaking graphic design for their clothing catalogue and showcased Icebreaker's new collections. I built and maintained the website, adding the latest collection each season. I also built the secure dealer area, which allowed retailers around the world to download Icebreaker ads and brand components. Find out more about the Icebreaker project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
QA News

Website: no longer online
Client: New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Dates: June 2001 - February 2003
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Communication Arts
QA News is the web version of a quarterly printed newsletter which was seamlessly integrated into the large NZQA website. I translated the newsletter into an existing website format, ensuring that each edition matched the print version exactly. Find out more about the QA News project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, Government websites, Small sites
King & Small

Website: no longer online
Client: King & Small Consultancy
Dates: May - June 2001
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Murray King & Francis Small wanted a simple and elegant site to attract new clients. I built the website following a design by Origin, and advised the designer on the best layouts to use. Find out more about the King & Small project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Millie Smith

Website: no longer online
Client: Millie Smith
Dates: February - May 2001
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Origin designed this range of beautiful "paper art" stationery with Geoff Notman illustrations. The website was an integral part of both the branding and the promotion of the range and includes a short Flash intro. I built the website and completed the Flash. I also developed the graphics into animations and rollovers, showing products to their best advantage. Find out more about the Millie Smith project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, No CMS, Small sites
Contact Energy

Website: mycontact.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Contact Energy
Dates: January - July 2001
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Contact was a large database-driven business-to-consumer website and was fully integrated with the company's billing systems. I built the templates in highly robust HTML which were used by the programming team to build the website itself. Each template was complex, including large amounts of navigation and functionality, as well as being content-rich. Find out more about the Contact Energy project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), E-commerce, Large sites

Website: fonterra.com (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Fonterra
Dates: January 2001 - July 2002
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
The Fonterra website incorporated a public website (with large archive section), an intranet and a secure extranet (for externally-based contractors) and was updated every week, sometimes every day. I built, developed, managed and maintained the website which went through two complete redesigns before Fonterra took the project in-house. Find out more about the Fonterra project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Large sites
Ministry of Transport (2001)

Website: mot.govt.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Ministry of Transport
Dates: January - April 2001
Government status: Government Ministry
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
The Ministry of Transport needed an accessible website which would house a large amount of information and which could disseminate that information easily. I built the site following an existing Origin design, and advised the team on the technicalities of designing for the web. I also sourced, integrated and programmed an effective search engine for the site. Find out more about the Ministry of Transport (2001) project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Govt web standards tester, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, e-govt/WCAG compliance, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Medium sites
Origin Design

Website: no longer online
Client: Origin Design
Dates: January 2001 - November 2003
My professional status: contractor and then employee at Origin Design
Origin's website served as a showcase for both their web and print design, and we completely redesigned and rebuilt it once a year to keep it fresh and to try out new ideas. I developed the existing Origin site, and brought an added level of technical expertise and creative input to each new redesign.
I also developed and built an interactive Flash animation for the Environ section of the website, where I followed the designer's storyboard sketches and created some elements (including the spinning house) in 3D animation software before bringing it into Flash.
Find out more about the Origin Design project
Categories: Client liaison, IA & UX, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Flash, No CMS, Medium sites
Ground Zero

Website: no longer online
Client: Ground Zero
Dates: November 2000
My professional status: contractor at Mission Hall
Ground Zero was the first web design project for one of Mission Hall's designers. I assisted in the completion of the website. Find out more about the Ground Zero project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
VUW School of Business

Website: no longer online
Client: Victoria University Wellington
Dates: November 2000
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Mission Hall
VUW wanted a fully integrated database-driven site, where each School would have a individual "look" based upon the same structure, architecture and coding. I built this website following the design created by Mission Hall, and including features introduced for the Graduate School site. Find out more about the VUW School of Business project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Small sites
VUW School of Economics

Website: no longer online
Client: Victoria University Wellington
Dates: November 2000
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Mission Hall
The website was structured in exactly the same way as the one for the School of Business & Public Management (see above), so that the majority of each site could be converted to database-driven pages. Find out more about the VUW School of Economics project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Small sites
VUW Graduate School

Website: vuw.ac.nz/sog (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Victoria University Wellington
Dates: September - October 2000
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Mission Hall
Victoria University had developed their very large website around a Visual Basic web-based publishing solution designed for use by VUW staff. I built a new subsite for the Graduate School, following the design created by Mission Hall. This involved creating highly robust templates for pages which became part of the publishing solution. Find out more about the VUW Graduate School project
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Medium sites
Express Online

Website: no longer online
Client: TranzRail
Dates: August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
The site was an online version of a bi-monthly printed staff magazine. Each issue had a tight deadline as the website had to go live at the same time as the magazine. I updated the site every two months. Find out more about the Express Online project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Monkey Records

Website: monkeyrecords.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Monkey Records
Dates: July - October 2000
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
The Monkey Records website was an e-commerce venture, with the record label relying on it to provide a large proportion of their CD sales. I designed and built the site, which includes information on all Monkey's recording artists, and a simple shopping cart where visitors could listen to and buy CDs. Find out more about the Monkey Records project
Categories: Scoping/pitching/quoting, Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Content designer, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, E-commerce, Small sites
Nathaniel Centre

Website: nathaniel.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Caritas NZ
Dates: July - August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
The Nathaniel Centre wanted a design for a Bioethics website which was calm, informative and reassuring. I extended an existing design prototype (based on print design for the Centre), and built the site. Find out more about the Nathaniel Centre project
Categories: IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Wai 100%

Website: wai100.com (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Minaaka
Dates: May 2000 - September 2001
My professional status: contractor at Base Two and then independent web designer/developer
Māori electronica duo Minaaka wanted a fresh and groovy website where they could showcase their music and their artistic vision. I designed and built this promotional site for them. Some of the site was in te reo, the rest was in English; and it included mpg video and mp3 audio files. Find out more about the Wai 100% project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, E-commerce, Medium sites

Website: danz.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Dance Aotearoa New Zealand
Dates: May - August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
The DANZ website needed updating on a regular basis. I was responsible for ongoing maintenance including the addition of new articles, diary and editorial from the DANZ bi-monthly newsletter. Find out more about the DANZ project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites

Website: teachnz.govt.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Ministry of Education and Ogilvy & Mather
Dates: May - August 2000
Government status: Government Ministry
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
The existing TeachNZ website needed to be completely rebuilt and restructured - with all-new content and with a double navigation structure utilising frames and popup navigation windows. I worked on the architecture and then built the site itself. Find out more about the TeachNZ project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Large sites
Rudd Watts & Stone

Website: rws.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Rudd, Watts & Stone
Dates: May - August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
I maintained the website, which had been designed and developed by Base Two, on an ongoing basis. Find out more about the Rudd Watts & Stone project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Wellington Airport

Website: wellington-airport.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Wellington International Airport
Dates: May - August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
I carried out updates and alterations throughout the website as required (HTML content and graphics, PDFs). Find out more about the Wellington Airport project
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Large sites

Website: playmarket.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Playmarket
Dates: April - August 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
I carried out maintenance as requested by the client, and did some re-design and streamlining of the existing website, which had grown somewhat difficult to manage. Find out more about the Playmarket project
Categories: IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Tracks are for Trains

Website: no longer online
Client: TranzRail
Dates: April - May 2000
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
This website was aimed at children, included games, information and quizzes, and taught them to stay away from the dangers of train tracks. I developed the design from a prototype and built the site. Find out more about the Tracks are for Trains project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites

Website: lungfish.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Health Sponsorship Council - Smokefree
Dates: February - August 2000
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Base Two
Lungfish is the youth brand of Smokefree New Zealand. We rebranded the Lungfish website, targeting its market directly with a very funky, experimental and fresh image and navigation/architecture design, which I built and project-managed with the Base Two team. Find out more about the Lungfish project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Medium sites
Chatham Islands II

Website: no longer online
Client: Chatham Island Millennium Committee
Dates: March - July 1999
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
This website provided information about the Chatham Islands' millennium celebrations. The colours reflect the dawn of a new century, exemplified by the sunrise animation on the homepage, which I built using Bryce 3D animation software. I developed the design from a prototype homepage and built the site. Find out more about the Chatham Islands II project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Chatham Islands I

Website: no longer online
Client: Chatham Island Millennium Committee
Dates: March - July 1999
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The site's main aim was to ensure that visitors had pre-booked their accommodation before they visited the Chathams. I developed the design from a prototype and built this award-winning website in a style which represented the clean green environmental nature of the Chathams, as well as reflecting the island's rich Moriori heritage. Find out more about the Chatham Islands I project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites
Te Puna

Website: no longer online
Client: National Library of New Zealand
Dates: March - July 1999
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The National Library wanted a user-friendly gateway into the Library's Te Puna search databases, which I co-designed and built, and which was used by librarians across the country. My job also included facilitating the information flow between all the parties involved in the project and ensuring that their different needs were met, as well as advising them on technical issues. Find out more about the Te Puna project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Small sites
Te Rauparaha

Website: tki.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: National Library of New Zealand, Ngati Toa, and Ministry of Education
Dates: March - July 1999
Government status: Government Agency and Government Ministry
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The National Library wanted to develop their te reo online education resources, and chose the story of Te Rauparaha to begin. I designed the architecture and oversaw the development of this site, which used the taonga of the Turnbull Collection to illustrate the story. Find out more about the Te Rauparaha project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Writing for the web, Old-school table layout, eZ Publish, Government websites, Medium sites
APEC Classroom Online

Website: no longer online
Client: APEC
Dates: March - June 1999
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
APEC New Zealand needed to develop this site, which was aimed at teachers who wanted to examine APEC with their students prior to the 1999 APEC conference. I maintained the site, repaired broken links and also added small sections to complete the project. Find out more about the APEC Classroom Online project
Categories: Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites

Website: womad.co.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: The Edge (for WOMAD)
Dates: January 1998 - February 1999
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
1999 was the second year that a full-scale WOMAD festival was held in New Zealand. They needed an attractive and accessible site that would tell the world about WOMAD Aotearoa. I designed and built this award-winning website, which could be easily added to and updated in the runup to the 1999 event. Find out more about the WOMAD project
Categories: Scoping/pitching/quoting, Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Health Action

Website: healthaction.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Health Action
Dates: February - November 1998
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
Nelson-based health advocacy group Health Action, who had absolutely no experience of the web, wanted a website which they could use as one of their outreach tools for youth. I designed and built this youth-oriented site, which included a database listing a wide range of health resources in the local region. Find out more about the Health Action project
Categories: Scoping/pitching/quoting, Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Medium sites
Kiwi Recovery Programme

Website: kiwirecovery.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Department of Conservation, Bank of New Zealand (sponsors), and Forest & Bird
Dates: January 1998 - October 1999
Government status: Government Department
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media and then independent web designer/developer
This was a join initiative between DoC, the Bank of New Zealand (who sponsor the programme) and Forest & Bird. I built and maintained this multi-award-winning framed website, with considerable design freedom in deeper levels of the site. Later I suggested areas within the site that could be developed, all of which I then researched, wrote, designed and built. Find out more about the Kiwi Recovery Programme project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Large sites
NZ Olympic Committee

Website: olympic.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: NZ Olympic Committee
Dates: January - June 1998
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The New Zealand Olympic Committee wanted a new website online in time for the Nagano Winter Olympics. I built and maintained this award-winning site once the design was completed by another member of the CWA team. I also undertook daily updating which was required within a very tight timeline during the Nagano games. Find out more about the NZ Olympic Committee project
Categories: Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Whitireia Polytechnic

Website: whitireia.ac.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Whitireia Polytechnic
Dates: December 1997 - March 1998
Government status: Crown-Owned Tertiary Education Institution
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
Whitireia wanted to showcase the courses offered by the Polytechnic. I built this award-winning site once the design was complete. My work included development of the site into deeper information-rich levels, and development of the design within these levels. Find out more about the Whitireia Polytechnic project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Medium sites

Website: no longer online
Client: Ministry of Education
Dates: October - November 1997
Government status: Government Ministry
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
ESOL was a sub-site which I designed and built within the Ministry of Education's own website. The client wanted a simple and easy to navigate site, following MoE colour and logo guidelines. Find out more about the ESOL project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Small sites
The Gathering

Website: no longer online
Client: The Gathering
Dates: September 1997 - September 2000
My professional status: independent web designer/developer
The Gathering was New Zealand's largest and most well-respected annual dance party. I created, designed, wrote, built and maintained the 900-page multi-award-winning website, giving Gatherers as much information as possible about every aspect of The Gathering, as well as archiving previous parties. Find out more about the The Gathering project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Content designer, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, E-commerce, Large sites
Healthy Lifestyles

Website: no longer online
Client: Wellington College of Education and the Cancer Society
Dates: August 1997 - September 1999
Government status: Crown-Owned Tertiary Education Institution
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
This Cancer Society-sponsored award-winning website promoted healthy lifestyles for kids. I worked closely with the content creator to design, illustrate, develop and build a series of online school projects within the site. Find out more about the Healthy Lifestyles project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Large sites

Website: nzcer.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Dates: August 1997 - August 1998
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
I maintained and regularly updated this information-rich website, following an existing design. Find out more about the NZCER project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
EEO Trust

Website: eeotrust.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: EEO Trust
Dates: August 1997 - August 1998
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The EEO Trust were new to the web and wanted an easily-navigated information-rich website, which I designed and built. The site communicated what the EEO Trust was about, and how it could be of benefit to employers. Find out more about the EEO Trust project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
British Council

Website: britishcouncil.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: The British Council
Dates: June 1997 - May 1998
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
The British Council required that its websites around the world adhere to the standard British Council website design, according to strictly-specified design guidelines and templates. I built and regularly updated the New Zealand version. Find out more about the British Council project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Medium sites
Hillary Commission

Website: no longer online
Client: The Hillary Commission
Dates: April 1997 and March - October 1999
Government status: was part of the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
I designed and built the Kids Go 4 It and Push Play sections, and maintained and developed the main multi-award-winning site. In 1999 the Hillary Commission wanted a compete overhaul of the site, which I carried out - including design and architecture, budgeting and timelining. Find out more about the Hillary Commission project
Categories: Scoping/pitching/quoting, Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Large sites

Website: ewi.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Education Wellington International
Dates: November 1996
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
EWI was aimed at overseas students and covered a range of information about education providers in Wellington. I designed and built the site in a day, with the help of another CWA designer. Find out more about the EWI project
Categories: Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites

Website: no longer online
Client: The British Council
Dates: September 1996 - July 1997
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
I developed, designed, built and constantly updated this multi-award-winning website for a ground-breaking project linking 12 pairs of schools in New Zealand and the UK, who worked for 6 months on a range of 70 projects using the internet for trans-global communication - and I also managed the InterLink project itself. Find out more about the InterLink project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Content designer, Website designer, Front-end developer, Writing for the web, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Large sites

Website: asia2000.org.nz (site has since been redesigned)
Client: Asia2000
Dates: August 1996 - May 1998
My professional status: contractor at CWA New Media
This site began life as a web version of a printed quarterly newsletter, which I maintained and updated following an existing design (1996). In 1998 I redesigned, developed and built the site into a complete award-winning package, incorporating the newsletter within a new and larger website. Find out more about the Asia2000 project
Categories: Client liaison, Project manager, IA & UX, Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Small sites