Claremont Estate
Website: claremont-estate.com (site has since been redesigned) - view screenshot
Size: 140 pages
My professional status: contractor at Oryx Technologies
Website client: Claremont Estate
Dates: July - August 2004
Categories: Front-end developer, Content-loader, CSS-based layout, Flash, Dreamweaver templates, Medium sites
Brief: to tidy up the client's PowerPoint presentation and to turn it into a sub-site within the Claremont Estate site. To completely overhaul the existing website, following a new layout created by the designer. To make the site coding easily editable using includes as the site was fairly large.
My responsibilities included:
- Tidying up the client's PowerPoint presentation - improving the "look" of it, and ensuring layout and style consistency from slide to slide
- Creating a website from this PowerPoint presentation, so that visitors could view it even without the software
- Complete HTML overhaul of the site following a new layout design - using library items and includes to make future editing easier
- Complete overhaul of the CSS styles already in place, to improve efficiency and develop consistency of CSS throughout the site
- Creation of a simple Flash animation for the top of every page.
This was the international version of the website - there was also a slightly different version for New Zealand visitors. Claremont was a fairly substantial site, with a large amount of written content. Part of the reason for the overhaul was to refine and reduce the content so that the site was more suitable for reading online.