Genesis Energy capital bonds offer
Website: no longer online - view screenshot
Size: 1 page
My professional status: contractor at Designworks
Website client: Genesis Energy
Dates: April 2011
Categories: Project manager, Front-end developer, Content-loader, CSS-based layout, No CMS, Small sites
Brief: Genesis Energy is a New Zealand-owned energy company that fosters strong links with its customers and community stakeholders and has a diverse electricity generation portfolio. The company wanted to add a new page to their website to publicise their upcoming Capital Bonds offer, which had been designed by Designworks. I was asked by Designworks to build the new page for them.
- Delivered the completed page within 24 hours of being handed the design.
My responsibilities included:
- Project management and ongoing liaison with the Designworks team in order to achieve their aims for the website, and to work through any technical and implementation issues with them
- The development of a timeline to ensure that I delivered the webpage within a tight timeframe of three days (I did it in a day)
- Development of the page in CSS and HTML 4.01 Transitional
- Hand-coding in HTML 4.01 Transitional to a reasonable level of accessibility
- Extensive testing of the page at all stages of the development process, ensuring complete consistency across the following browsers and platforms:
- WindowsXP: Internet Explorer IE6, IE7, IE8; Firefox 3, Firefox 3.6, Chrome 4
- Windows7: IE8, Firefox 3.6
- Mac OSX: Firefox 3.6, Safari 4
- The creation of a CSS print stylesheet for the page - tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari on both Mac and PC
- Ensuring that the new page had been validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service and that it conformed to HTML 4.01 Transitional requirements
- Ongoing liaison with the client to ensure that the page was working as expected, and to provide additional HTML, CSS and content graphics as required.
A nicely-designed one-pager with a quick turnaround. Fun!