Meadow Fresh Seedling Swap
Website: no longer online - view screenshot
Size: 20 pages
My professional status: employee at Origin Design
Website client: Mainland Milk
Dates: March - April 2003
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, Webmaster, Old-school table layout, Flash, No CMS, Small sites
Brief: to build and develop/maintain Seedling Swap as a sub-site of the main Meadow Fresh website. The site promoted the annual Seedling Swap sponsored by Meadow Fresh.
My responsibilities included:
- Building the site (architecture, navigation, HTML, content layout, graphics)
- Redrawing in Freehand the character sketches created by our illustrator Ali Teo - so that I could use them to make animated gifs, graphics and Flash animations
- Creating a number of interchangeable Flash animations which could be used on the homepage - these advertised and graphically explained what Seedling Swap was all about and thanked visitors for their participation after it was over
- Design and creation of the interactive map pages which showed kids where they could go to swap their seedlings
- Taking responsibility for the design, graphics and layout of event photo pages as we added these to the site, following the design style already developed for the site.
This site was active for about a month before Seedling Swap took place each year, and was designed to advertise the event, enthuse kids who wanted to take part, and to show them how easy it was to get involved. After the event we put up photos showing kids swapping their seedlings, and changed the Flash front page to one thanking them for taking part.