Ministry of Transport (2001)
Size: 100 pages, 5MB
Government status: Government Ministry
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
Website client: Ministry of Transport
Dates: January - April 2001
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Govt web standards tester, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, e-govt/WCAG compliance, Old-school table layout, No CMS, Government websites, Medium sites
Brief: to build the Ministry of Transport website, following an existing Origin design, and to advise the team on the technicalities of designing for the web.
My responsibilities included:
- Building site - architecture, navigation, HTML, JavaScript, content layout, some graphics, popup windows
- Ensuring that the website was accessible and e-govt compliant in terms of my HTML code
- Sourcing, integrating and programming an effective search engine for the site (Atomz)
- Acting as consultant and adviser to the designer - this was her first website
- Liaison with project management team at Origin - acting as consultant
- Liaison with client throughout the design process.
This was quite an elegant site - made interesting for me by the fact that the designer thought outside the square to some extent - which meant the structural integration of design into workable HTML could be quite tricky at times - which I always enjoy!