Resultex and INOV8
Website: resultex.co.nz and inov8.co.nz (both sites have since been redesigned) - view screenshots
Size: 2 matching sets of 14 template pages for each site, which I then used to create full versions of both sites
My professional status: employee at Shift
Website client: Resultex and INOV8
Dates: May - October 2006
Categories: Client liaison, Front-end developer, Content-loader, CSS-based layout, e-govt/WCAG compliance, Dreamweaver templates, Small sites
Brief: to build a pair of matching CSS websites for Resultex and INOV8. The websites were created using Dreamweaver's template functionality, so that the client would be able to edit the sites in the future.
Shift fully content-loaded the Resultex site for the client before it went live, and handed over the INOV8 site for the client to complete.
My responsibilities included:
- Development of two sets of Dreamweaver templates in CSS and HTML 4.01 Transitional – each pair of templates is built in the same way, with the variation between the two sites being achieved through CSS
- Liaison with the client in order to achieve all their aims for the site, and to work through a range of technical and implementation issues with them
- Hand-coding in HTML 4.01 Transitional to a reasonable level of accessibility, following NZ e-government Guidelines
- Extensive testing of the site at all stages of the development process, ensuring complete consistency across a range of browsers and platforms
- Ensuring that every page and stylesheet had been validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service and that it conformed to HTML 4.01 Transitional requirements.
Two fairly small and perfectly-formed sites - a matching pair as far as the HTML was concerned, with all the variation in look and feel being achieved through the use of two different stylesheets. It's always interesting building sites using Dreamweaver templates, anticipating which parts of the site will need to be editable, and which can be safely locked away.