Vegfed Approved Supplier (now NZGap)
Size: 11 pages
My professional status: contractor at Origin Design
Website client: Vegfed
Dates: August - September 2004
Categories: Front-end developer, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Small sites
Brief: to build a set of templates for the new Vegfed Approved Supplier subsite, based loosely on the existing layout for the main Vegfed site, and to liaise with the programmers who would be using the templates to build a database-driven website.
My responsibilities included:
- Building the templates (HTML, content layout, graphics)
- Liaising with the programmers to ensure that my page templates could be easily converted into a database-driven site.
The Approved Supplier subsite was part of the main Vegfed site, but had been designed and built separately from it. While it conformed somewhat to the style and layout of the main site, it exhibited its own distinctive qualities. Origin did not design the rest of the Vegfed site.
Note that since this site was built, the organisation has changed its name to New Zealand GAP.