Victoria University Graduate School of Business and Government
Website: vuw.ac.nz/sog (site has since been redesigned) - view screenshot
Size: 50 pages, 1MB
Government status: Government Agency
My professional status: contractor at Mission Hall
Website client: Victoria University Wellington
Dates: September - October 2000
Categories: Website designer, Front-end developer, Content-loader, jQuery/JavaScript, Old-school table layout, Database-driven (pre-CMS), Government websites, Medium sites
Brief: to build a new website for the VUW Graduate School, following the design created by Mission Hall designers.
Thanks for all your hard work so far...
Dr Dale H Bent, Director, Graduate School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington
My responsibilities included:
- Development and colour-matching of graphics (photos, logos, titles) to maintain consistency across the site and to look good on monitors displaying 256 colours
- Building site (architecture, navigation, HTML, JavaScript, content, popups)
- Building templates for pages which would become part of the Visual Basic web-based publishing solution designed for use by VUW staff
- Liaison with client, designer and programmers
- Testing site thoroughly for browser compatibility on Mac and PC, and including a range of monitors sizes and resolutions
- Development of an efficient working process with the Mission Hall designer who was inexperienced in producing design for HTML
- Running a seminar for Mission Hall staff to enable them to design more effectively for the web, and to work more efficiently with web developers.
A tight deadline and intense testing process made this site an interesting challenge, especially as the initial JavaScript was incompatible with Netscape 4.0x on a Mac - and I had to do a good deal of research with Toolbox to find a script that would work across all platforms. I learned heaps more about JavaScript in the process!