Notes from happy clients
Mostly for our contract and freelance work, as that's when we're most likely to get direct feedback.
Ann Jasper

Thanks Ali for all your fab work. Annie and I really like the News page and the way you've done the Gallery pages... This is brilliant. You've no idea what this means to both of us. You're a true friend.
Shelley Masters and Ann Jasper

Cheers - well done - we're delighted with the results - Tanya
Tanya St George and Jennifer King, Asia2000
Hi Alison. Great looking site. Many thanks - Jennifer
Aspiring Walls

Awesome thanks Ali – it’s all looking great.
Robyn Cook, Executive Assistant/New Product Coordinator, Aspiring Walls
Bamford Medical

Hi Ali & Tom! Bamford are so happy with their website - the images have just turned XX (Sales Manager) into a happy man. Thank you a million times for sticking with it and helping me get through this - you are both the best.
Noeline Cummings, Marketing Liaison, Cummings & Partners Ltd
Bee Dawson

I’ve checked the website and am delighted to see the book up there so punctually. You are doing a marvelous job... I’m delighted with the result.
Bee Dawson, Website Owner
Beer Belly Jellies

Boy it's looking so good! What a difference on the stockist page. Many thanks.
Lindy MacLennan, Business Owner, Beer Belly Jellies
Bloomsbury Associates (2010)

Lovely, thanks for your hard work Ali. Everything looks great, works and is very quick... I have had excellent feedback on the website from clients and also from those in the industry - nice to see the directors of large multinational corporates getting jealous of what you've built for me!
Philip Stevenson, Director, Bloomsbury Associates Limited
Bloomsbury Associates (2018)

Thanks – looks great!
Philip Stevenson, Founder and Principal Adviser, Bloomsbury Associates
BNZ Community

Ali - thanks for all your help on the Community project. A challenging one but great to get it nailed. Your input was really appreciated.
Russell Mildon, Project Manager - Online Sales, BNZ Digital
British Council

Hasn't Ali done a fabby job? The BC logo in colour and curving in line with the Link Banner looks brilliant! I'm really pleased with the site! Thanks millions.
Dr Michelle McCormack, Science & Development Manager, The British Council
Cavalier Bremworth

Hi Ali - it was our pleasure having you here!
Felicity Weller, Senior Project Manager, DNA
Thanks for the timesheet & invoice... I appreciate you taking the time to document your hours in such detail, it really does help when it comes to costing future projects, so thanks heaps for that.
Yes, Squiz's comments about the code have been fantastic, haven't they?! Similarly, XX came and had a quiet word with me this morning and said that he was really impressed with your HTML/CSS skills and he would welcome having you back any time. I know YY is already considering talking to you about some work she has coming up, so hopefully Cav Brem won't be the last we see of you. :)
Climate Change

Thanks Ali! Wow - looks great! I believe that all went really well – awesome. Thanks for reading my mind on a lot of it...
Christian Evans, Web Adviser, Corporate & Community, Ministry for the Environment
...thanks for a tremendous effort and making all of extremely tight deadlines! I enjoyed working with you. You made it so easy for me with the DW templates, etc. Perfect.
EEO Trust

I miss our touchbases and your excellent work... It speaks very well of the work you did for our site that people have come to me to ask me who designed our site. If any others do I will certainly send them your way.
Allysa Stewart, EEO Trust
Essential Mums

Hi Ali, the designs all look really good to me. There were just a couple of minor tweaks, but other than that, they look all good to send out.
Matthew Wilson, Lead Designer, Fairfax Digital

Thanks for the update Ali, I’ve been enjoying the stream of one way messages regarding bugs and fixes... It is just about impossible for people without a deep knowledge of the product to QA this part of the task as you are doing, but without this discipline the end result is disappointing.
Simon Wagg, Senior e-Business Advisor, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Today more so than ever before you have made good on my confidence to engage specialist services. Keep up the good work. Maximum respect.
Expedia Flash banner ads

Looks lovely Ali. All sent off to Aus. Many thanks.
Matthew Masters, Company Owner, Badger Communications

Alison - Thank you so much for your careful, considered work in a complex and difficult environment... You opened up conversation around design in a way that was never possible previously. You are excellent at taking a 'non-precious' approach to your work while simultaneously being able to calmly argue your point.
Jared Gulian, Govt.nz project lead, Department of Internal Affairs
You're very good at what you do and I'd hire you again in a heartbeat. Thank you. Stay in touch.

Ali - just wanted to say thanks heaps and heaps for your work and your guidance on the project. Thanks to the team for your massive contribution turning this project into a success for Learning Media and the Ministry of Health.
Anita Jones, Digital Project Manager/Advisor, Learning Media
Healthy Lifestyles

Hi Ali! Hey thanks for today. We did good! I'm rapt with the site, learnt heaps, you're a good teacher. Keep up the great work.
Joy Hooper, School Support Services, Wellington College of Education
Hillary Commission

We are really pleased that you are staying on to finish the re-structuring, Ali. We couldn't do it without you!
Sue Walker, Research and Information Manager, Hillary Commission for Sport Fitness and Leisure
Holmes Consulting Group

Hi Ali & Tom! Thanks so much for your hard work. I really do appreciate the fact that you guys got it done, especially when you've got so much other work on... You are actually quite wonderful, thank you for doing this.
Lisa Long, Information Manager, Holmes Consulting Group

Kia ora Alison! Selamat Pagi! Most interested to browse and find out what you are developing with Interlink. The projects appear fascinating, constructive and stimulating for all those involved - and for spectators such as myself! Please accept from all of us at Education New Zealand in Indonesia our appreciation and congratulations to you, the team at Interlink and of course the participating schools and students for your progressive actions and initiatives toward education, learning and cross cultural understanding.
John Fitzgerald, Education New Zealand, Indonesia
Kākāpō Recovery

Thanks very much Ali - for your kind words and for looking after the kākāpō site so well! The pictures are great & will be even better in larger scale.
Don Merton, Kākāpō Management Group, Department of Conservation
Kind wishes, Don
Kiwi Recovery Programme

It's great Ali, well done, we are all delighted with it.
Pam Crisp, Project Owner, Department of Conservation

Hi Ali! First, the feedback from Comms was "I've had a quick check through this and I can't spot a single thing that is wrong. She is a machine." You can take it from that comment that Comms were absolutely delighted with your work.
Sally Tudhope, Senior Web Specialist, Land Information New Zealand
Thank you also for the prompt feedback on your experience of doing the SOI, and how it might be streamlined, etc... As always, your work for us was amazing, and I'm particularly mindful of how busy you must have been at the time anyway. Thank you so much for doing such an excellent job.

Congratulations!!! Lungfish looks fantastic...
Ben McFadgen, Senior Project Manager, Base Two
MacDiarmid Institute

Yeah looks amazing. Thanks everyone! - Vanessa
Vanessa Young, Strategic Engagement Manager and Professor Justin Hodgkiss, Co-Director, The MacDiarmid Institute; and Kirsty Fyfe, Web content writer, Matai Partners
Just wanted to say that I'm referring to the investigator pages a lot while working on the science plan, and it's soooooo much easier to navigate! - Justin
You made the project a pleasure to be part of and I learned so much from the whole process. Thank you so much - Kirsty
Major Consulting

Outstanding, thanks very much Ali. I appreciate the effort you have gone to, to make this look good - Shelley
Shelley Major and Jane Lawrence, Major Consulting Group
The website is looking GREAT!! Sharp, like the photos, easy to read and make sense of - Jane
Māori Media Network

That's brilliant Ali & Tom! ...we're really pleased with the streaming, so thanks heaps for that. I hope you're as happy with the completed site as we are!
Teresa McGregor, Kaiwhakahaere Kirimana/Account Manager, Māori Media Network Ltd
Marlborough Vintners

This is looking great! Travis [MVH] is very happy with the site - Nadia
Nadia Cook, Senior Account Manager, Acumen Republic and Ariana Olsen, Marketing, MVH
Thank you very much for completing this. It looks great! - Ariana
Master Plumbers

Hello Ali & Tom. May I say thank you for your thinking and the solution you have determined. I now understand what the hesitations and issues are and agree with your thinking – thank you for the initiatives you have taken.
Fiona Gavriel, Chief Executive Officer, Master Plumbers, Gasfitters & Drainlayers NZ Inc.

EXCELLENT Ali - Thanks for all your hard work!
Jason O'Hara, Creative Director, Origin Design
Ministry for the Environment

Hi Ali & Sue! We are very excited about the designs... Really good news! Our CEO and general manager both liked the designs and gave us the green light to keep on going, without any changes...
Dee Guja, Senior Adviser, Stakeholder Engagement/Publications, Ministry for the Environment
Monkey Records

hi ali, wow, site's looking great... love your work.
Nigel Braddock, Company Owner, Monkey Records
thank ye kindly, warm regards
Museums Wellington

Hi Ali, Tom and Shelley! Rave reviews about the website – including “best museum site in NZ". We think it is fabulous.
Kim Young, Marketing Manager, Museums Wellington
New Zealand String Quartet

Hi team NZSQ! I wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate you all, what a great, substantial and consistent contribution to our work you make and what fun it’s been working with such clever, talented, professional, user-friendly and collegial people - and I look forward to keep in touch with all of you somehow! My thanks and very best wishes to you all.
Elizabeth Kerr, Manager, New Zealand String Quartet Trust
Northern Gateway Toll Road

Hi Ali ...so this will basically mean they can go wild with words and all the box heights in total will be aligned even if the shaded header areas get staggered like your screen shot? Oh joy!
Jen van der Zwet, Project Manager, Shift
NZ Artificial Limb Service

Ali & Tom - I was having such fun working on the website - you guys have been awesome to work with and the extra effort and passion has not gone un-noticed - we are raving fans of WebWeaver.
Gaye Forster, Finance and Administration Manager, NZALS
NZ Association of Economists

Nice work. Thanks Alison. All conference photos now intact.
Anthony Byett, web editor, New Zealand Association of Economists
NZ Netherlands Foundation

Ali & Tom - thank you both for your efforts on getting me over the line on this deliverable. You are stars... Just so you know, the Board are very impressed with the website and love the clean lines etc.
Diane Horton, Executive Director, New Zealand Netherlands Foundation

Hi Ali! Great work on NZHistory! I had my first real look through it today and it looks great - well done.
Gerrard Smith, Project Manager, Shift
Off The Tracks

Hey Ali, thanks again so much for all your help last week. I was lost without you. Site is working really well, faster and all... cheers again for all your work there.
Simon Sweetman, Blog Owner, Off The Tracks
OFLC (2016)

Ali - Thank you so much for all your work on this site (and the student site!) - your contributions have been invaluable!
Michelle Baker, Acting Information Unit Manager, Office of Film and Literature Classification
OFLC - info for students

Website looks awesome, super functional and clear and bright.
Classification Officer, Office of Film and Literature Classification

Thank you Alison and team for a job well done.
Neil Butler, Executive Chairman, Optimation

Thanks Ali and Tom [for launching the site] - already getting positive feedback.
Peter Anderson, Executive Director, Occupational Therapy New Zealand
PS Network

Wonderful, the pages look great Ali. It’s starting to look like a real conference!!
Alison Welch, Committee Member, Public Sector Network of Communicators
...wow, that all looks fabulous, thank you so much.
Reno Man Construction

Hi Ali, It looks great, thanks for your work on this - Chris
Chris and Rebecca Routhan, Reno Man Construction
It looks soooo awesome Ali! Love it. Thank you! - Rebecca
Revealing Gallipoli

Thank you so much for the great work with the study guide - as you will see from Chris' comments below it has been very well received - Diana
Diana Schnauer and Chris Slater, TVNZ
I think they have done a great job with the guide at short notice. It gives the teachers a springboard for activity, which is what the ministry suggest works best ...a good job well done! - Chris
Round Peg

Ali, Tom and Shelley - thanks for that, I'm very pleased with the work you have done and the cost.
Linda Ashton, Director, Round Peg
Save Radio New Zealand

Wow Alison, the site is looking very good, I'm loving the intro page, very well written! :) Can i thank you (and name you) publicly on the facebook site? Feedback is good. People really like it.
Save Radio New Zealand Facebook group organiser

Tom & Ali ...I would like to be able to hand you guys this one to as great a degree as possible. I’m basically looking for an outsourced solution on this. I know you are both self motivated self starters and are completely capable of seeing this through...
Nick Kirkman, Online Manager, Snapper Services Ltd

Ali - the client loves their site, and they are running TVCs as of Sunday night, so it's all go. Anyway, a big thank you to you for all your effort on the build - I know it wasn't easy at times. Thank you also very much for doing all those print stylesheets for us – it is _very_ much appreciated. It was great working with you, as always, and we’ll see you again soon. I hope we can work together again sometime.
Nina Spence, Senior Project Manager, Chrometoaster

Sneak preview of Ali's screen designs. I think these look awesome, and remember that I hate everything, so that's saying something... To my great annoyance I can't find anything to bitch and moan about :) These look farking excellent.
Ben Amor, Senior Developer, Datacraft
Te Reo Māori in Mainstream

Ali - thanks so much for all your patience and time with this project.... your design and development and flashy skills have been amazing, and working with you has been FABULOUS!
Anja Voorendt, Project Coordinator, CWA New Media Ltd
The Beck's List

Hi Tom, Ali, thanks for all your hard work on the project. The team here in Shift Auckland are stoked that we got this over the line... Thanks guys and really enjoyed working with you both.
Sheryl Wu, Project Manager, Shift
The Gathering

true pioneers! the gatherings were some of the best festivals in the world at the time. and still i feel that there was something super special that was happening at the gathering missing from major festivals around the world today. big ups to the golden days of outdoor festivals in new zealand.
oscar allison, in response to The Gathering Documentary 1997/98 on YouTube
The Gathering Archives

I think you’ve done a great job with the website – it must have been a mammoth effort and a labour of love. Inspirational. Well done.
Jamie Larnach, DJ and event organiser, Entrain
Three Rs of Diversity

Alison: Many thanks for this. Yes, it’s looking good. Thanks for correcting the outstanding alphabetical order. Whew!
Judith Wright, Senior Materials Editor, Te Kete Ipurangi

Ali - I spoke to XX [National Library website developer] this morning and they have been busy integrating the homepage, search and results, and a couple of other pages. It's all good. They're happy with the code and it's easy to work with. He said to pass on his thanks for a great job.
Gerrard Smith, Project Manager, Shift
VUW Graduate School

Thanks for all your hard work so far...
Dr Dale H Bent, Director, Graduate School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington
WebWeaver's World

I can only hope your articulate essay gets picked up around the blogosphere - not just in NZ, but globally. Sadly, you could replace "Paul Henry" with any number of prominent media names who somehow think bigotry is acceptable.
Beth - MD, USA (comment on my blog post "The demise of Paul Henry and the rise of racism in New Zealand")
Wellington Batucada

Hi Ali, it's all looking great! I had a quick look last night and it's looking fantastic! Nice work on the gallery. Nice work with the content written so far as well...
Tim Cooke - Musical Director and website designer, Wellington Batucada

Hi all! Some lovely feedback on the new WellingtonNZ.com site which I thought you might like to hear. And a big thank you from me for all the hard work you’ve all put in on this project - with unprompted comments like this coming in from a member of the public, you know you’ve hit the mark. Excellent.
Nina Spence, Senior Project Manager, Chrometoaster
"Hi there just a comment on your fabulous website….. I love it.. it looks classy, informative, easy to navigate.. just super… keep it up... Best wishes… CR."
WellingtonNZ Australia

Thanks for all your work on the Australian homepage Ali! It's looking great, and the client is happy. Also, the big IA and Redesign job is coming up soon (I expect it to run over April and May) and I wondered what your availability is over that time...
Nina Spence, Senior Project Manager, Chrometoaster
WM Bamford & Co Ltd

Hey Ali & Tom! I wanted to thank you both for all the hard work on the website and getting your end of things done on time... I would like to make dinner sometime for you two lovely people if you would like to come...
Noeline Cummings, Marketing Liaison, Cummings & Partners Ltd

Hi Ali! Thanks for your work. It looks great. You're a star! The photos look great too. I am really pleased with the result!
Drew James, WOMAD Event Manager and Producer