HTML with Dreamweaver

My professional status: independent web designer/developer
Client: Mercury Communications, NZCTU
Dates: August 2000 - present
Brief: initially to develop and run a two day 7-hour one-on-one training course on behalf of Mercury Communications. The training course was designed to teach an employee of NZCTU how to maintain, add content to and develop her organisation's existing website.
I have subsequently used this same course to teach HTML with Dreamweaver to a number of other clients including staff from Shift, Charlotte Hurd Designs, Origin Design, Mission Hall and Minaaka.
My responsibilities included:
- Development of the content of the training course, which would teach an understanding of the use of Dreamweaver in creating web pages
- Development and authoring of the worksheets which would be used during the course and which could be kept as a reference
- Teaching the student standard HTML, including tables and frames, plus the FTP process and basic principles of design
- Ongoing liaison with clients and student.
I used the original HTML with PageMill workshop I developed for Mercury in 1998 and adapted this for Dreamweaver, bringing it up to date in the process.
The worksheets were created in HTML using Dreamweaver and had to look good online as well as in print. I then taught using a combination of the printed workbooks and the online version.
After a slow start on the first half-day (when we got through less than half of what I expected), we charged through the remainder and completed the course on time. My student was subsequently tasked with updating her organisation's framed website.