Content Management Systems

Museums Wellington website - a complex multi-templated website made easy for the web editors through the use of the SilverStripe CMS
A Content Management System (CMS) enables you to update your website without having to know any HTML at all.
A CMS helps you to keep your website fresh and relevant and up-to-date. You can use it to add or remove pages, edit and update content, and link to images, videos and PDF downloads. We can build the CMS to enable you to do pretty much anything - whether that's allowing your visitors to register with your upcoming events; managing your members and giving access to parts of your website to members only; selling stuff online via credit card or PayPal; blogging or sharing news releases with your users - whatever you want your website to be able to do, we can make it happen for you via a CMS.
Hi Ali, Tom and Shelley! Rave reviews about the website - including "best museum site in NZ" ...we think it is fabulous.
Kim Young, Marketing Manager, Museums Wellington (Museums Wellington website, 2010 onwards)
We've worked on many different CMSs, including Blogger, Drupal, ExpressionEngine, eZ Publish, Facebook, Lithium, Plone, Shado, Sharepoint, SilverStripe, Sitecore, Squiz and WordPress, as well as quite a few bespoke systems. We integrate most of our WebWeaver websites into a CMS, although we also have some small non-CMS sites, where we do the updates by hand for our clients.
Ali & Tom - I was having such fun working on the website - you guys have been awesome to work with and the extra effort and passion has not gone un-noticed - we are raving fans of WebWeaver.
Gaye Forster, Finance and Administration Manager, New Zealand Artificial Limb Service (NZALS website, 2012 onwards)
Our CMS of choice for our larger, bespoke websites, is SilverStripe. For our smaller sites we tend to use WordPress.
SilverStripe website case studies
Case studies of SilverStripe websites that we've worked on. Some of these were designed and/or built directly for our WebWeaver clients, others were created while contracting with various Wellington web design agencies or as part of an in-house web team. Click on an image to go to the case study.
Want a custom-built SilverStripe website?
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